“Butterfly love is similar to rushing water; it falls, it rolls, it runs away murmuring: it will dry up losing the source, born from a storm, it has its length of time.”
Pierre – Joseph Bernard.

Bai Mu Dan, or White Peony, is at the center of this fragrance and it gives it the perfect bone structure. Often considered the second highest grade of white tea it was traditionally produced in the northern Fujian Province of China. It comes from the top two leaves and bud of the tea bush, which can be shade dried and/or lightly fired. This gives White Peony a pale cup color and delicate, nutty aroma. The complex flavor is toasty, slightly sweet and creamy, with a clean aftertaste. It’s enhanced even more by the green slightly nutty scent of the hazelnut leaves.

Soft whiffs of Sakura and its fruity aroma that always signifies spring and the beginning of a new season is wrapped up with a juicy and quite unique scent of Feijoa fruit. An rare sighting in the fragrance world, I grew up eating it as a kid in the winter and its zesty green and tropical flavor always triggers good memories for me.

If you love a juicy treat cherry accord, this composition is for you and will hit all the right spots.

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